Customer Safety

Almost every electrical accident and hazard is preventable except for those that are caused by acts of nature (storms). In order to avoid accidents and potential injuries some basic precautions can be taken.

How Shocks Occur

Electricity will always seek the shortest path to the ground by attempting to find a conductor, such as metal, wet wood, water – or your body! Since your body is 70% water, if you touch an energized bare wire or faulty appliance while you are grounded, electricity will instantly pass through you to the ground, causing a harmful or potentially fatal shock.


  • Electricity plays an important role in our daily lives. However, improper handling of vital commodities can be dangerous.
  • Here are some suggestions for your safety:
  •  Connect the correct size fuse or circuit breaker to your electrical circuits for adequate protection.
  •  All electrical installations, apparatus and electrical equipment must be earthed. i.e. reconnected to a general mass of earth.
  •  A certified electrician MUST do all electrical works on buildings.
  •  Electrical equipment/devices should be connected at the voltage at which they are rated.
  •  Approval should be sought from an authorised source before alterations or additions are done to existing electrical installations.
  • Outdoor electrical equipment should:
  • Be plugged in and turned on only when in use
  • Never be left unattended
  • Be turned off when being carried or hooked up to attachments like mower baskets or saw blades
  • You should clean up an area before mowing the lawn or using electrical clippers or trimmers.
  • You should clean up an area before mowing the lawn or using electrical clippers or trimmers.
  • Keep cords out of your path or work area. Throwing the cord over your shoulder may help.
  • Keep electrical equipment covered and dry in between uses.
  • Use only weather resistant heavy gauge extension cords marked “For Outdoor Use.”
  • Make sure amperage ratings for outdoor extension cords are higher than the electrical equipment with which they are used.
  • Select a dry day to use electrical equipment.
  • Treat all electrical equipment, wires and lines as “live” unless proven otherwise.
  • Stay clear of fallen or dislodged power lines, as their status is not known.
  • No object should be used to tamper, touch or interfere with live electrical wires.
  • Report any irregularities seen on the distribution and transmission systems to the nearest India Power office.
  • Here are some suggestions for your safety:
  • In the event of a major power outage, India Power’s first priority is to restore electricity to emergency public service agencies, such as police and fire departments, and hospitals. The next priority is to restore power safely to as many customers as possible with each repair.
  • When severe weather takes out power, customers should keep in mind:
  • Residents who have a life-threatening medical emergency should call FIRE.
  • Always avoid downed power lines. Any downed line should be considered energized and therefore dangerous. Report downed lines immediately to local public safety authorities and stay out of the immediate area.
  • Avoid debris lying on the ground that may conceal downed power lines and make sure there are no downed lines before allowing children out to play.
  • Don’t attempt to make repairs to India Power’s electrical system or pull limbs off lines.
  • Steer clear of India Power crew work areas. Equipment and energized lines may be in the area that could create a safety hazard.
  • When driving, watch for crews working along the roadways, and obey all traffic signs and directions around work areas. If you have an electric generator, please ensure that you have isolated your home or business from the utility electrical service lines by opening main breakers or other devices.
  • When leaving your home and power is off, turn off the main breaker as a precaution to avoid a power surge once the power is restored.
  • Be patient. When a major outage occurs, India Power crews must first restore power to transmission lines and distribution circuits before working on distribution lines that feed directly to homes and businesses. However, be assured that India Power crews are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power to customers.
  • Customers are reminded to be careful when using portable heaters or other supplemental heating. Never place heaters near flammable materials or where they might tip over. Use fire screens to prevent sparks and embers from causing problems.
  • Customers should use extreme caution if using candles during a power outage. Always keep candles away from flammable objects and never leave them burning unattended.